Equilibrium Plus

Our mission at Equilibrium Plus is to help parents to help their children overcome learning, physical coordination, and behavior issues through specific exercises designed to:

  • extinguish primitive reflexes
  • improve core strength
  • open blocked learning gates
  • increase cross body/brain interaction
  • increase balance and coordination
  • increase visual/motor coordination
  • increase visual/auditory/motor coordination and interactions
  • to improve gross and fine motor skills


Our children have many challenges ahead of them. Many of them are having hard times in school, both academically and socially.

When the two hemispheres in the brain are not balanced and in sync a child will have difficulty learning and their anxiety will increase which many times leads to misbehaviors.

In addition, our children are not getting the outdoor games and exercise that they should to develop certain areas of the brain. Instead there is so much technology which in reality in small doses is good, but in large doses is really detrimental to our children’s brain and physical development.

At Equilibrium Plus we will actively work to improve your child’s brain’s functionality and interconnections. This will reduce stress and anxiety. We will also being showing your child different techniques to help them control their own anxiety and stress.

What you should see in your child is a reduction in stress, an improvement in academics, and an overall less stressful family life.

Can we fix everything, no, but we can help you  help your child and allow them to reach more of their potential.

Equilibrium Plus Environment

We have a fundamental goal of making learning FUN! We use low coach to student ratios. We will work on several different fronts: including, music, eye strength and tracking, core muscle strength, elimination of primitive reflexes, meditation, gait training, rhythm, balance, fine motor skills, and nutrition.


Equilibrium Plus isn’t just for our kids. Parents need help too, and many of the things we will be doing in our sessions will be to help you as parents work with your children. You will be taught many of the exercises and games that will help your children – we call it FunWork. In addition we will teach you the basics of mediation, yoga, nutrition, as well as other things.

History of Equilibrium Plus

As parents with a child with academic and social issues, these are the things that have been able to help him. It is always a continual process, but we understand many things about what you are going through. We wanted to share that knowledge in a cost effective way with you.

Summer Class Schedule

Why Can’t My Child Learn?