Senior Exercises Class


            Neck – look up, then down; look to the right, then left; bend your right ear to your right shoulder, then your left ear to your left shoulder. Great exercise to do in the shower.

            Back – Do this sitting. Lean forward with your hands on your thighs. Lean slightly backwards (don’t over extend). Turn to the right, then the left. Lean to the right and then the left.

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            Abductions: Standing, lift your leg straight out to the side about a foot and come back. Repeat 10 times. Do the other leg. If you don’t have good balance, then either hold on to the back of a chair, or face a wall and put your hands on the wall.

            Hip Leg extensions: Standing, lift your leg to the back about a foot and come back. Repeat 10 times. Do the other leg.


            Knee Raises: sitting in a chair, put your hands out in front of you and lift one knee so that it comes up toward your hand. Then do your other knee. Repeat 10 times. As you get stronger, you can add ankle weights.

            Leg Kicks: sitting in a chair, kick your lower leg out and hold it for a count of three. Relax, and do you other leg. Repeat 10 times. As you get stronger you can add ankle weights for more of a workout.

            Toe Raises: Sitting with your knees together. Roll your feet so you are on your toes. Repeat 10 times. You can add some books or weights on top of your knees to make it harder.


            Figure eights: Sitting with your leg outstretched. Try and draw a figure eight with your toes. Do the other foot. This increases movement in the foot and helps reduce stiffness.

            Flexion/Extension: Sitting with your leg outstretched, flex your toes back toward your body and hold for a count of three. Relax, then point your toes and hold for a count of three. Repeat 10 times.

            Foot Ankle Roundabouts: Sitting and using a balance disc, place one foot on the disc and roll your foot around. You should feel movement throughout your ankle.


            Tummy Tightens: Sitting in a chair. Take a deep breath and raise your arms above your head. Suck in your stomach and keep it sucked in while you take 5 regular breaths. Relax. Repeat 5 times. Do this throughout the day.

            Tummy Tightens +: Sitting or standing, tighten your stomach, then your buttocks, hold for a count of five. Repeat three times. Work up to a count of 25. 


            Reverse Flys: Sitting (either holding small weights or not) tall, with your hands in front of you, move your hands out to the sides of your body. Repeat 10 times, then rest. Work up to either 3 sets of 10 each, or up to one set of 20. 

            Deltoid Raises: Sitting or standing with your arms at your side. (either holding small weights or not), lift your arms straight out, but only up to your shoulders. Repeat 10 times.

            Arm raises: Sitting or standing, (either holding small weights or not). Put your hands right by your shoulders, and push your hands straight up over your shoulders. Repeat 10 times. Work up to either 3 sets of 10 each, or up to one set of 20. 

            Triceps: With one arm up above your head (either holding small weights or not), bend your elbow so your hand is down by your ear. Then lift your hand up and down. Repeat 10 times. Work up to either 3 sets of 10 each, or up to one set of 20. 

            Alternative Triceps: With your arm straight down and slightly in back of you, bend the elbow with your hand coming up to your chest and then “push “ it back. Repeat 10 times.

            Biceps Curl: With your arms down by your sides (either holding small weights or not), make sure your palms are facing outward, raise your hand so it hits your shoulder. Lower and repeat. Work up to either 3 sets of 10 each, or up to one set of 20. 

Daily 5-Minute Exercise Routine:

            Stretches: Neck and low back. Do 2 sets of each.

            Reverse Flys: Do 10

            Arm Raises: Do 10 each arm.

            Tummy Tightens: Do 5 times.

            Knee Raises: Do 10.

            Feet Flexion/Extension: Do 10 each foot.

            Hip Abductions: Do 10 each leg.

Daily 10-Minute Exercise Routine:

            Stretches: Neck and low back. Do 2 sets of each.

            Reverse Flys: Do 10

            Arm Raises: Do 10 each arm.

            Biceps Curls: Do 10 each arm.

            Triceps: Do 10 each arm.

            Tummy Tightens: Do 5 times.

            Tummy Tightens +: Do 5 times.

            Knee Raises: Do 10.

            Leg Kicks: Do 10 times.

            Toe Raises: Do 10 times.

            Feet Flexion/Extension: Do 10 each foot.

            Hip Abductions: Do 10 each leg.

            Hip Leg Extensions: Do 10 each leg.

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