
Chiropractic is a healthcare approach and treatment that focuses on reducing or correcting vertebral subluxations. By correcting these vertebral subluxations, your overall health can be improved and we can help relieve many different symptoms and conditions.

A vertebral subluxation is when a vertebra (one of the bones of the spine) is misaligned (not completely dislocated) and stays out of alignment. This misalignment causes a dysfunction of your skeletal and musculature systems (biomechanics), your nervous system (neurophysiology), and your general state of ease. The problems begin when your vertebrae goes out of alignment, and it stays out of alignment. Your body can’t get it to free up and move back into alignment.

You can get subluxations a variety of ways. Falls, blows, sports injuries, car accidents, all can cause subluxations with you vertebrae going out of alignment. Poor posture, bad sleep habits (sleeping on your stomach), poor work habits can all contribute to misalignments and subluxations as well. Muscle strains and ligament sprains can pull vertebrae out of alignment as can repetitive use injuries.

There are many different techniques that Chiropractors can use to correct subluxations – many are by hand while others use instruments. The goal of all of the techniques is to realign the vertebrae so that your musculature is in the proper position or ergonomics, your nerve impulses are free to transmit normally without interference, and that your body is free to heal itself and improve your well-being.

Dr. Zager uses many gentle techniques to move (manipulate) your vertebrae and correct any subluxations. There are times when she will use an instrument called an activator for specific conditions. Dr. Zager also uses massage to help relax your musculature, which enhances the adjustment to correct the subluxation.

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