Theories behind Fibromyalgia

First I believe that myofascitis can turn into Myofascial Pain Syndrome and it can then turn into Fibromyalgia. There are a lot of components to Fibromyalgia and each component can become a vicious cycle in and of itself.

            Researchers estimate that approximately 4% of the population has Fibromyalgia, mostly women. Fibromyalgia is probably a much higher percentage.

            When you are under stress (constant or high) your muscles contract and tighten down. If they are in prolonged contraction they can build up adhesions or scar tissue between the muscle fiber and the sheath and other muscle fibers. That is the knot you feel. The knot can become inflamed and tender. As the knots stay there, they can become tender points and then trigger points where they themselves can cause pain. Your muscles can become stiff and won’t work smoothly. Remember that you have muscles everywhere: You digestive tract is one big smooth muscle, as are your arteries. You will see the connection a little later with the co-existing conditions.

            Sometimes the stress that initiates everything can be from a specific injury or it can be from repetitive micro traumas. The more your muscles stay contracted, the more likely adhesions (like scar tissue) form, and then create tender points and trigger points. The longer your muscles stay that way, the more the muscle thinks that that is the correct position.

            When you are in pain, you have difficulty finding a good position (non painful) to sleep in and your sleep quality goes down. When you don’t get good sleep – your muscles do not get the rest they need, nor does your body get the repair time it needs. If you don’t get good sleep for more than 2 weeks – you are heading toward sleep deprivation. Your body just doesn’t work very well, nor does your brain. A vicious cycle can and will start and any part of the body can now be affected.

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