Exercises for Kids

For kids you want to do exercises that are not only fun, but that also build up coordination and nerve pathways. All of these exercises are old standbys that we sometimes forget about.

 Simon Says – works listening skills, visual skills, and balance.

 Paddy Cake – anything that works the arms and legs across the body builds up neural pathways and will increase coordination in the future. Patterning is also great for memory. Clapping their hands to the beat of the music is also a great exercise.

 Cats – on your hands and knees, stretch the back up (like a cat), and then sink the stomach down like an old horse. This puts motion throughout the spine.

 Airplane – standing, have them stand with one foot in front of them and slightly off the floor – hold this for a count of 5. Then move the foot to the back for a count of 5, then lower yourself horizontal like an airplane. This works balance and all of your core muscles.

 Somersaults – this works balance, and teaches them control over their different muscles. It uses muscles in succession.

 Conga Line – this works rhythm, balance, and coordination.

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Correct Lifting Techniques

One of the primary reasons people hurt their backs is because of poor lifting techniques – not necessarily the weight of the item. I cannot stress enough the number of patients who have come in to be treated by me, because of a lifting injury to their back. When questioned about the mechanism of the injury, they told me it was a light item (like a pencil or clipboard) that they just bent over to pick up. On further questioning, they told me that they bent over at the waist and that they were invariably twisted slightly or even a lot. For reference, the only worse position to be in when lifting something is, to lean back and twist while reaching for an item!

 There are three simple rules to remember when lifting anything:

  1. 1.    Face the thing you are picking up

  2. 2.    Bend at the knees to pick things up.

  3. 3.    Keep things close to your body, near your center of gravity.

If you have a lot of things to carry (groceries, plants, books, etc.) don’t try to carry all of them at once. It is better to make more trips with less weight and less items to manage than it is to try and save yourself a few extra steps.

 If you do a lot of lifting on a daily basis, you can wear a back brace, but understand that the brace is not there to help you lift heavier items. Rather when worn correctly with the double pulls used, it helps keep you from twisting and making stupid moves.

Posted in Correct Lifting Techniques, Low Back Pain, Neck Pain | Leave a comment

Small Group Wellness Program starting in April

Small Group Wellness Program

starting April 19th

Mondays at 6:00 pm for 8 weeks

If you want to strengthen up, learn how to be healthier, and lose weight.

Each class will include: a core/strengthening exercise class and an education topic including: how to eat better, relaxation techniques, biofeedback, vitamins, nutritional choices, and others.

Cost is $20.00 per week

Meet at Zager Chiropractic Services, 2840 Business Loop 181 N, suite 140 Floresville, TX.

Call 830 393-6554 or e-mail jonelle@zagerchiro.com to reserve your spot.

Posted in About our Office, Exercise Information, Nutrition, Wellness Program, Wellness Program Classes | Leave a comment

Small Group Wellness Program

The Spring session of Zager Chiropractic’s Small Group Wellness Program will start on April 19th, Monday nights at 6:00 pm.

           This class is for you if you want to strengthen up, learn how to be healthier, and lose weight or inches.

           The Wellness Program will last for 8 weeks, meeting each Monday night at 6:00 pm at Zager Chiropractic in Floresville.

Zager Chiropractic’s Small Group Wellness Program includes: a relaxation component, weekly nutritional guidance and coaching, and an exercise component.

Dr. Zager will lead the class and help educate you on all the different things you can do to create new wellness habits in your own life. In addition she will lead a core/strengthening exercise class each week for the participants.

The Spring group program is limited to 4 participants, so Dr. Zager can give them individual attention. 

Call 830 393-6554 early to reserve your spot. If you would like more information, please call us and we will e-mail you the program schedule and costs.

Wellness topics include: tips and techniques to relax your muscles, biofeedback, vitamins—what do you really need, what types of exercises can I do and the benefits, lots of nutritional information on food and which foods will help you control your appetite and lose weight.

Individual programs are also available.

Posted in About our Office, Core Strengthening, Exercise Information, Nutrition, Relaxation and Stress Reduction Strategies, Wellness Program, Wellness Program Classes | Leave a comment

Simple Techniques to help Relieve Headaches

Get a Chiropractic Adjustment: By placing the vertebrae in the correct position your muscles will start to relax, you will get better nerve flow, and it will help de-stress you.

 Warm/hot Shower: Take a warm or a hot shower and let the water beat on the back of your head and shoulders. The heat will help your muscles to loosen up and relax a little bit. For sinus headaches it will help open up your sinuses, and you shoulder blow your nose thoroughly while in the shower.

Ice pack: Many times using an ice pack (bag of frozen peas works great) for 5 – 10 minutes either over the forehead or in back of the head and neck also takes some of the pain away.

 Massage: You can give yourself a head and/or neck massage. Use your fingertips to give yourself a “dry shampoo” all throughout your skull. If you find some tender spots, you can use a little ice pack on them, or take a hot shower and follow it up with some ice.

 Ranges of motion – always do pure movements in the neck and back. Also do not whip your head in doing these. Never go past a point of pain.

Neck – look up, then down; look to the right, then left; bend your right ear to your right shoulder, then your left ear to your left shoulder. Great exercise to do in the shower.

 A brisk walk outside for 5 – 10 minutes may also help you work some muscles, and get the blood moving throughout your body. The fresh air also helps re-energize your body. Along with walking, make sure you take some deep breaths to increase your oxygen intake.

Posted in Headache, Headache, Neck Pain, Relaxation and Stress Reduction Strategies | Leave a comment

Dr. Zager’s Top 10 Wellness Tips

Here are my Top 10 Wellness Tips. They can be easily implemented into your daily lifestyle. For more information on the individual tips, just look at upcoming blogs and articles that are already on our website.

1. Start walking 20 minutes three times a week

2. Drink 2 glasses of water a day

3. Make sure you get 7+ hours of sleep a night

4. Get a chiropractic adjustment to make sure your body is balanced and there are no Subluxations

5. Stop and smell the roses (slow down and relax for 10 minutes every day)

6. Use a smaller plate and bowl for your meals.

7. Strengthen up some of your Core Muscles daily

8. Improve your posture

9. Increase your portions of vegetables and fruit while you decrease your portions of carbohydrates.

10. Add 2 snacks a day (morning and afternoon). Great snacks include: yogurt (live active cultures), nuts, cranberries, small amounts of cheese and fruits, trail mix bars.

 Ask about our individual wellness programs or our small group wellness programs, if you want or need help taking control of and improving your health and wellness.

Posted in Core Strengthening, Exercise Information, Nutrition, Relaxation and Stress Reduction Strategies, Vitamins, Wellness Program, Wellness Program Classes | Leave a comment

How to Relieve Low Back Pain

Many people have low back pain at one time or another in their life time. It could be just a short episode where you overdid some work and have an achy feeling for a couple of days and then it completely resolves itself with no more pain. It could also be where you have weeks, months, and years of low back pain that started as a simple ache, but which has progressively grown worse over the years to be a strong ache or sharp pain. It could even limit what you would normally do like walking, sitting for prolonged periods of time, and even keep you from good sleep at night.

            What is the Cause? There can be a number of different causes for low back pain. You may have overworked some lumbar muscles which in turn have pulled a vertebrae out of place. You also could have irritated the disc (the padding between the two vertebrae). This typically causes  deep ache and/or sharp pain when you move wrong. You may even be slightly off center (antalgic) as the body tries to take additional pressure off of the disc.

            With chronic low back pain, you may not even remember how you originally hurt your low back, but the vertebrae and sacrum are usually out of alignment and there may even be a slight to moderate curve (scoliosis) in the low back. You started off with some low back pain for a couple of weeks with it getting better on and off, and then it eventually becomes sore all the time.

 Chiropractic treatment helps to realign the vertebra, balance out the muscles, and takes pressure off the disc and the nerve roots. Dr. Zager also gives all her patients at Zager Chiropractic Services strengthening exercises and stretches that will help you prevent future back pain and will increase your flexibility and the mobility of your spine.

 Stretches: Back Rocks: lying on your back, bring one knee up to your chest, then the other knee. Then bring both your knees up to your chest and pump your knees. This exercise puts a lot of motion into you low back and sacrum.

 Low back ranges of motion: standing or sitting, lean forward (with your hands on your thighs), lean back slightly, turn to the right and the left, and lean to the right and left. Do not go past a point of pain, and always do pure movements.

Ice: Use an ice pack for 10 – 15 minutes at a time. This helps take some of the inflammation out of the area.

 Heat: You can use heat (moist heat is the best – i.e. a hot shower), but you MUST follow it up with 10 – 15 minutes of ice, otherwise you will stiffen up after the heat.

 Strengthen your Core Muscles: your core muscles include your stomach, back muscles, buttocks, and thighs. These all need to be strengthened and BALANCED with each other. See our website www.zagerchiro.com for Core Exercises or join one of Dr. Zager’s core exercise classes to learn these exercises.

Posted in Arthritis, Core Strengthening, Disc injuries, Exercise Information, Low Back Pain, Pregnancy | Leave a comment

Newsletter – Zager Chiropractic 2010 April

Neck Pain

Many people with neck and arm pain go to chiropractors to help relieve their pain. This also includes people with numbness in their hands and arms or  headaches that stem from the neck.

What is the Cause?

When the cervical or neck vertebrae are misaligned or “subluxated” they can cause several different types of pain. The first is an ache from tight and stressed muscles that are trying to pull the vertebrae back into place. The second is a sharp pain from either the joints, the discs (padding between the vertebrae), the nerve roots that get “pinched” or the ligaments that are injured. This sharp pain can go up or down the spine or out across the shoulders. Thirdly, you can get numbness or tingling down either or both arms all the way to the fingers. Depending on where there are misalignments or subluxations in the neck will determine where the pain or tingling occurs.

What is the Treatment

By gently adjusting the cervical (neck) and upper thoracic (midback) vertebrae, a chiropractor can take the pressure off of pinched nerves, restoring the normal nerve impulses, taking pressure off of the discs, decreasing the pain or numbness, and helping to balance the surrounding musculature. 

Double Click to Open PDF, Right click to download

Posted in 2010, Headache, Neck Pain, Newsletters, Senior Exercise, Shoulder Pain, Specific Conditions, Wellness Program, Wellness Program Classes | Leave a comment

Top 5 Core Exercises

These 5 exercises are my top picks to strengthen your core muscles, stomach, back, thighs, and buttocks. By strengthening your core muscles, you reduce the chances of having low back pain.

CATS+ 4: on your hands and knees, arch your back up to the ceiling, then sink your stomach down. Do 3 reps of CAT, then raise each limb straight out individually for a count of 10, then raise opposing limbs for a count of 10 – as you improve you can increase the counts.

Back Rock to Bridge: Do 5 back rocks, then go to the Bridge (lying on your back, lift your pelvis off the floor. Tighten your abdominal muscles, hold for a count of 20 (make sure your breathe through this), then relax. A more advanced version is to do the bridge, then straighten out one leg and hold it for a count of 20. Do the other leg.

Half Sit ups (Crunches) with leg raise – lying on your back with your knees bent, support your head with your hands. Slightly raise your head and shoulders off the ground. Do 10 lower crunches. Then with your head still up, hold one leg up off the floor for a count of 10 working up to 20.

Standing Leg flexion/extensions – Standing up straight, hold one foot out in front of you (about 6 inches off the floor) for a count of 10, then in back of you (about 6 inches off the floor) for a count of 10, then straight out behind you while you lower your torso horizontal hold for a count of 10.

Kegals – Sitting down or standing, tighten up your pelvic floor (like you are trying to stop urinating), hold for a count of 30. For added difficulty, while tightening your pelvic floor, tighten your abdominals, then your buttocks, then your thighs and hold for a count of 30.

Posted in Core Strengthening, Exercise Information, Low Back Pain | Leave a comment

Newsletter – Zager Chiropractic 2010 February

Low Back Pain

     Many people have low back pain at one time or another. It could be just a short episode where you overdid some work and have an achy feeling for a couple of days and then it completely resolves itself with no more pain. It could also be where you have weeks, months, and years of low back pain that started as a simple ache, but which has progressively grown worse over the years to be a constant strong ache or sharp pain. It could even limit what you would normally do like walking, sitting for prolonged periods of time, and even keep you from good sleep at night.

What is the Cause?

There can be a number of different causes for low back pain. You may have overworked some lumbar muscles which in turn have pulled a vertebrae out of place. You also could have irritated the disc (the padding between the two vertebrae). This typically causes a deep ache and/or sharp pain when you move wrong. You may even be slightly off center (antalgic) as the body tries to take additional pressure off of the disc.
With chronic low back pain, you may not even remember how you originally hurt your low back, but the vertebrae and sacrum are usually out of alignment and there may even be a slight to moderate curve (scoliosis) in the low back. You started off with some low back pain for a couple of weeks with it getting better on and off, and then it eventually becomes sore all the time.


Chiropractic treatment helps to realign the vertebra, balance out the muscles, and takes pressure off the disc and the nerve roots. Dr. Zager also gives all her patients at Zager Chiropractic Services strengthening exercises and stretches that will help you prevent future back pain and will increase your flexibility and the mobility of your spine.
If you have back pain for more than 3 days without it resolving, you should seek a chiropractic evaluation and treatment at Zager Chiropractic Services (830) 393-6554. If you have chronic low back pain, you should also seek treatment at Zager Chiropractic Services. Dr. Zager can also educate you on the various things you can do to help reduce and prevent future back pain episodes.

Click the Image or Link Below to Read or Download the Entire Newsletter


Zager Chiropractic February Newsletter

Newsletter 2010 February

Posted in 2010, About our Office, Exercise Information, Free Exercise Classes, Low Back Pain, Newsletters, Specific Conditions, Wellness Program, Wellness Program Classes | Leave a comment